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× Category MF -Fluorescent with built-in ballast and regular base
× Works?Yes
× Old?No
× TechnologyFluorescent
× Voltage12 V
× Power23 W
× Filament Mat.
× Filament Shp.
× Gas FillingMercury
× Flasher?No
× Tip?No
× Bulb ShapeSpiral tube
× Diameter60 mm
× Length140 mm
× BaseE27
× Original Sleeve?No
× ColorWarm white
× TransparencyOpaque
× Outside?No
× Reflector?No
× ApplicationRecreational vehicle lighting, efficient replacement for incandescent
× Manufacturer
× Country
× Date made
× Date acquired9/6/2003
× Purchase price$ 2
× LocationBox 20
× Needs attention:See comments
× Labelled?Yes
× How acquired:Yard sale in Rumney, NH
Comments:The 23W is probably the power of an equally bright incandescent; the actual power is probably a lot less. Test?



Last updated: November 12, 2009, 12:55 pm