C2L1 | Carbon, two loops, one support | |
C3L0 | Carbon, three loops, no supports | |
C3L2 | Carbon, 3 loops, 2 supports | |
C4L0 | Carbon, four loops, no supports | |
C4L3 | Carbon, four loops, three supports | |
CL1 | Low voltage carbon, one loop | |
CL2 | Low voltage carbon, two loops | |
CL2L1 | Low voltage carbon, two loops, one support | |
CL5 | Low voltage carbon, five loops | |
CLx | Carbon, small bulb, no supports, x loops | |
CxLy | Carbon. x loops and y supports | |
R0 | No supports | |
R1 | Short, quarter-circle, 2 supports, "Coiled Coil" | |
R1A | Short, quarter-circle, 1 support (usually lower voltage) | |
R1B | One support, Λ shape | |
R1N | 2 supports, forms a "N" or "И" when seen from above | |
R2 | Three-quarters circle, 5-6 supports | |
R2C | Two supports, П shape | |
R2X | R2 with one bend toward center, W-shaped | |
R3 | Up-and-down zig-zag around the central post | |
R3C | Up-and-down zig-zag concentrated in center, projection bulbs (C-5) | |
R3½ | Like R3, but the supports come from two different points on the center post | |
R4 | Short height squirrel-cage | |
R4D | "Dutch", two tiers, essentially two R2s in series. | |
R4X | R4 with three tiers of supports. | |
R5 | Up-down spiral, suspended from glass cross-beams, projection bulbs | |
R5H | Horizontal double spiral, possibly suspended from glass cross-beams, projection bulbs | |
RB | Square spiral forming block | |
RL0 | Low voltage, no supports, as in a flashlight bulb | |
RL0S | One of the leads goes up to bulb tip for centering | |
RL1 | Low voltage, one support, Λ shape | |
RL2 | Low voltage, two supports, П shape | |
RL2X | Low voltage, two supports, X shape | |
RL3 | Three supports, up-down-up-down | |
RLV0 | Low voltage, no supports, vertical | |
RT | Long straight for tubular bulbs | |
RV0 | Vertical, no supports | |
RV1 | Vertical, one support | |
RZ1 | One-way zig-zag | |
RZ2 | Up-down zig-zag | |
RZ4 | Up-down-up-down, for a European antique look | |
SQ3 | Squirrel Cage, all supports from one glass bead | |
SQ4 | Regular Squirrel Cage, two sets of supports, two glass beads | |