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× Category LY -Miniature globe Christmas string
× Works?Yes
× Old?No
× TechnologyIncandescent
× Voltage3.5 V
× Current0.3 A
× Power
× Filament Mat.Tungsten
× Filament Shp.RL0
× Gas FillingVacuum
× Flasher?No
× Tip?No
× Bulb ShapeG25
× Diameter25 mm
× Length40 mm
× Baseleads
× Original Sleeve?Yes
× Color(none)
× TransparencyCrystal
× Outside?No
× Reflector?No
× ApplicationChristmas series string
× ManufacturerGE
× CountryPhilippines
× Date made
× Date acquired12/24/2002
× Purchase price$ 6.49 for a string of 35
× Number of Spares2
× LocationBox 11
× Needs attention:Photos
× Labelled?Yes
× How acquired:Economy Hardware, Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts
Comments:The clear ones were spares for the colored set. (I swapped spare bulbs with a clear bulb set)


Last updated: November 12, 2009, 12:55 pm