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× Category DT -Glow, tubular | Глимки, цилиндрични
× Works?Yes
× Old?No
× TechnologyGlow
× Voltage220-240 V
× Power3-5 W
× Electr. CoatingSomething dark
× Electr. ShapeCat
× Gas FillingNeon
× Flasher?No
× Tip?No
× Bulb ShapeT38
× Diameter38 mm
× Length145 mm
× BaseE27
× Original Sleeve?Yes
× ColorOrange
× TransparencyClear
× Outside?No
× Reflector?No
× ApplicationDecorative, novelty
× ManufacturerTungsram
× CountryHungary
× Date made1970-1990
× Date acquired3/6/2021
× Purchase price$ 28.00
× Part numberNG91
× LocationBox 21
× Labelled?Yes
× How acquired:Ebay, quenews
Comments:Маца. HANDLE CAREFULLY, one electrode is fatigued, bends easily, fill break easily. Bought second one for Becky Mourey and kept sleeve to use with DT009




Last updated: March 25, 2021, 8:11 am